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Rules (English) โ€‹


1.1 Regulation Agreement โ€‹

By connecting to the server, you directly agree to comply with the server rules. You are obliged to read and adhere to the rules, otherwise, you risk sanctions for each violation.

1.2 Regulation Interpretation โ€‹

Interpretation of any rule is prohibited! You cannot interpret any rule for your convenience to gain advantages in RolePlay.

For any unclear aspects regarding the rules & regulations, contact a staff member. In ticket situations, the identification of any violations is made by the staff member who took over the ticket and not by the players.

1.3 Conditions to Play on the Server โ€‹

  • RolePlaying as the opposite sex of the player's real sex is not allowed.
  • A functional microphone is required to communicate with other players.
  • Roleplay names - Using names of famous people, or names with the intent of trolling, are prohibited. Names can be real or invented by you and should be found in everyday life.

Examples of prohibited names: Mickael Jackson / Jhon Coa*eLungi / MaJocBine

Examples of allowed names: Mihai Ionescu / Michael Aoki / Laurentiu Lautaru

Non-compliance or non-cooperation with the server administration to respect any of the above parameters will lead to your account being permanently banned, with the possibility to create another account later.


2.1 In Character (IC) โ€‹

Represents all actions made by a player/character during roleplay. It is the opposite of the Out-Of-Character (OOC) meaning.

Example: I created an account and a character, and everything I see and hear in the game are IC actions. Any other information observed or heard on the game chat, Discord, YouTube, etc., are not considered IC information, but OOC.

2.2 Out-of-character (OOC) โ€‹

Represents all actions you make outside of roleplay and absolutely everything said on OOC channels (discord, in-game chat, etc.).

Example: All information discussed on the in-game chat or outside the game and not related to what you have seen or heard in the game.

2.3 Player-Kill (PK) โ€‹

When you respawn at the hospital, you forget the last action you had, the location, and the people who participated in that action.

Example: You are in a roleplay where you were kidnapped. In the location where you are taken, some people appear with masks and others without, but you can identify their cars and license plates. The roleplay evolves, and eventually, those people kill you, you respawn at the hospital and you must forget all the information from the last roleplay.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

Note: When a mafia/group leader kills a member, the latter will forget all the information known about that organization.

2.4 Revenge Kill (RK) โ€‹

The action of returning to the area where you had a previous roleplay, after accepting your death and respawning. Returning to the initial roleplay area can be done after 30 minutes.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

2.5 Character Kill (CK) โ€‹

Following a CK, you lose absolutely everything that the player's character owns. CK is only given for a very good reason. CK represents the character who was killed under the following conditions below:

  • When you give important information about the organization you are part of to another organization or the police and you are caught IC doing these things.
  • When you accumulate too many criminal records and receive life imprisonment.
  • When you commit suicide and cannot be saved.

Following a CK, the following are lost:

  • Cash and bank money
  • Owned vehicles
  • Owned house or business
  • All personal items from the personal chest at home
  • Phone number, contacts, and messages in the phone
  • Character appearance and IC name
  • All information from roleplays with that character

What data is kept after a CK:

  • Job Skills
  • Played Hours
  • CNP / ID
  • Items purchased with Gold


  • By creating a new character, you cannot roleplay as a cousin or brother who knows the entire life of the previous character.
  • Transferring goods before receiving CK and subsequent recovery is prohibited and is sanctioned with a warn and deletion of those goods.

2.6 Coma โ€‹

Represents the situation where you are knocked to the ground for various reasons (shot, stabbed, lack of food/water). You are FORBIDDEN to communicate in any way, both IC and OOC, as long as you are in a coma. Information seen in a coma will be ignored.

While you have been in a coma, you do not know what happened around you, otherwise it will be considered and sanctioned according to the rule #2.10 MetaGaming (MG)

2.6.1 Calling the Medics โ€‹

It is role-played by other people who saw you in a coma.

You are ALLOWED to call a medic by pressing the designated key to be saved in the following cases:

  • Fatal accident in the city or on a busy road.
  • You fainted from hunger.
  • You got shot on a busy road.

You are NOT ALLOWED to call a medic by pressing the designated key to be saved in the following cases:

  • When you are in an unpopulated area where you could not be seen by other people. See the picture below.
  • When you are thrown into the water in an unpopulated area.

Sanctions for calling medics from unpopulated areas:

  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

Annex 2.6.1 Unpopulated Areas

2.6.2 Accepting Death โ€‹

It can be done after the first 5 minutes of coma and represents a #2.3 Player-Kill (PK). Following the acceptance of death, cash and all items in the inventory will be lost, except for clothes.

This action can be taken even if the medic has reached your location. You can choose death until the last second when the medic offers first aid. If the medic fails to resuscitate you, it means you have chosen death.

Example: you are shot by the police, you fall into a coma, and the medic reaches you. They start offering first aid, you are allowed to accept your death if the medic does not help you in time.

You are prohibited from pressing the death acceptance key after you have passed through the hospital doors. This action will be sanctioned according to rule #2.9 Refusing RP

2.7 RolePlay (RP) โ€‹

The term 'Roleplay' represents the creation of a virtual character that has a backstory before entering the city. Through the character you have, you will need to have an experience as close to reality as possible.

Also, roleplay can be referred to as the interaction between 2 players.

2.8 Fail Roleplay (Fail RP) โ€‹

Represents the situation where a player does not respect the rules and standards set for conducting a realistic and authentic gaming experience. This includes actions or behaviors that are unrealistic, inappropriate, or violate the server's regulations.


  • Medics - Failure to save people. The situation where a medical staff has a direct or indirect interaction with a citizen in need of medical assistance. Ignoring them is considered fail roleplay.
  • Policemen - Failure to apply the Road Traffic Code. The situation where a member of the police department observes a person or a group of people violating the penal or traffic code and passes by them without taking action according to the internal protocol of the concerned department.
  • Opening OOC in IC


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

2.9 Refusing RP โ€‹

Represents any attempt to hinder roleplay where multiple parties/people are involved or the refusal to interact with players without valid reasons. Refusal RP is also considered when another player roleplays an action and you do not comply.


  • You are taken to the police station and refuse interaction with them for various reasons, using solving your own problems as an excuse.
  • Going to an auto service where the employees are present and repairing your car without interacting with them.
  • Refusing to unlock the car following a roleplay to have your trunk/glove compartment checked or robbed.
  • Situations where a person roleplays taking a clothing item (example: Hat) and you do not want to take it off or give it to them.
  • Having an accident with a player and refusing to interact with them without a valid reason (e.g., being chased by the police).
  • Going to the hospital and refusing to interact with the doctors and going to Doctor Sky.
  • Roleplaying throwing the key in the ditch and not wanting to unlock the car after another player has found the key.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

2.10 MetaGaming (MG) โ€‹

Represents the use of OOC (Out Of Character) information for IC (In Character) purposes to gain advantages in roleplay.


  • Your friend writes to you on chat to go pick him up from a location because he no longer has a car, and you go.
  • Coordination on Discord instead of the in-game voice chat.
  • You heard various information while you were in a coma and use it.
  • Using the hotkey "HOME" without a good reason (serious rule violgation from which a roleplay cannot continue).


  • First offense: 150-300 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: Warn


  • The given sanction may be more severe, ban 1-7 days, depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.
  • Not presenting evidence in the case where metagaming is suspected can also be sanctioned.

2.11 StreamSnipe โ€‹

It is when players follow a streamer/youtuber/tiktoker and interfere in a roleplay or use the information from the stream, which is prohibited. For streamsnipe, sanctions from rule #2.10 MetaGaming (MG) apply.

2.12 Mixing (MIX) โ€‹

Represents offering IC information in OOC.


  • A player is in front of a store without a car and looks for another player on the in-game chat asking them to come and pick him up.
  • A player says on discord that he was killed at a specific location.


  • First offense: mute 30-60 minutes or 150-300 checkpoints
  • Second offense: warn


  • The given sanction may be more severe, ban 1-7 days, depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.
  • Not presenting evidence in the case where mixing is suspected can also be sanctioned.

2.13 PowerGaming (PG) โ€‹

Represents a roleplay situation where you have supernatural powers or when you do not give chances to the people involved in the roleplay you created.


  • Hitting a guardrail at 100 km/h and continuing your way as if nothing happened.
  • Doing a wheelie (riding on one wheel) on a motorcycle at over 100 km/h
  • Kicking other motorcyclists with your foot on a motorcycle at over 50 km/h
  • Blocking access to a store robbery
  • Entering a house while running away from a fight, being chased, and closing the door
  • Robbing, killing, or interacting with people who are sleeping in houses


  • First offense: 75-150 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 300 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


  • For multiple offenses, sanctioning with a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

2.14 Gross RolePlay โ€‹

It is that roleplay made by people to denigrate other people through the actions they do themselves or make them do. Roleplays of this kind are done only with the consent of both parties involved.


  • /me with: I urinate on him, I spit on him, etc.
  • Making them perform various actions with a sexual connotations


  • First offense: 75-150 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 300 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


  • For multiple offenses, sanctioning with a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

2.15 Random Death Match (RDM) โ€‹

Represents attacking with fists/white weapons or shooting a player or a group of players without any reason or a previous roleplay.

Example: You are walking down a street, and at some point, you see 2 people who are withdrawn and talking. You approach them and shoot them, but you have never seen them before and have no previous roleplay that connects you to them.


  • First offense: 75-150 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 300 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


  • For multiple offenses, sanctioning with a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

2.16 Vehicle Death Match (VDM) โ€‹

Represents the intentional running over of a player or a group of players without a good reason or a previous roleplay.

Example: You are traveling from one point to another and notice a group of people standing on the sidewalk, you decide to drive into them and continue your journey.


  • First offense: 75-150 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 300 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


  • For multiple offenses, sanctioning with a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

2.17 Olympic-Swim โ€‹

Represents endless swimming and is prohibited because in reality, you would get tired, not having special training.


  • The police are chasing you, you stop next to a pier and decide to jump into the water to avoid being caught and swim endlessly.
  • You fell from the boat you were in with your friends, and they have gone very far, you are at a very long distance from any shore and decide to swim there non-stop. This is prohibited.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

2.18 No Fear (NF) โ€‹

Represents the action where you are not realistically afraid that your own life could be in danger.


  • You are not realistically afraid of dying when you are threatened with a weapon or hit with fists.
  • You are alone and are not afraid to approach notorious areas where there are groups with weapons in their hands, and you start to provoke them.
  • There is a conflict between mafias or between mafia and police, and you are not afraid to pass through that area.


  • First offense: 75-150 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 300 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


  • For multiple offenses, sanctioning with a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

2.19 Cop-Fear (CF) โ€‹

Represents the action by which you are not afraid in the presence of a police body.


  • You have arrived at the police station and refuse cooperation with them.
  • Refusal to leave a perimeter at the request of the police department.
  • Entering government land uninvited.
  • Refusal to cooperate or attempt to flee from police officers who have their weapons pointed at the individual.
  • Picking up downed police officers.
  • Giving medical kits to police officers by gang members.


  • First offense: 150-300 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: Warn


  • The given sanction may be more severe, ban 1-7 days, depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

2.20 Cop-Bait (CB) โ€‹

Represents the action through which you want to attract the attention of the police department without a previous roleplay, which leads to your own amusement.


  • Drifts and burn-outs in the presence of a police crew.
  • Intentionally and repeatedly driving on the wrong side of the road near the police.
  • Repeatedly passing by a police crew with your face covered.
  • Repeatedly driving in front of the police station without license plates.
  • Baseless 112 calls to bring them to an area just for the purpose of starting a forced roleplay with them.


  • First offense: 75-150 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 300 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


  • For multiple offenses, sanctioning with a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

2.21 Disconnect รฎn RolePlay โ€‹

Represents intentionally disconnecting from the server during a roleplay to create an advantage for yourself. You are required to notify the people involved in the roleplay that you will return (discord on the general channel) and to return to the server within a maximum of 5 minutes. In case you run out of electricity or internet, you can notify on our discord from your phone.

In situations where the police are involved in a raid action at a location, the player who disconnected from the server and does not return will lose the items they have in their inventory and car.


  • You are at an illegal location and disconnect when a raid by the police comes or when another mafia comes.
  • Disconnect at the moment you are being chased by the police.
  • Disconnect immediately after robbing a person or a group of people.


  • First offense: 75-150 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 300 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


  • For multiple offenses, sanctioning with a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

2.22 Bully โ€‹

Represents any attitude or behavior of superiority towards other players, repeatedly insulting in the absence of a previous roleplay.


  • Insulting players without a valid reason.
  • Emitting an air of superiority towards people working at a legal job.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

2.23 Provoking โ€‹

Represents the action by which you provoke another player to get angry, without having a previous interaction with them, for your own amusement.


  • Hitting the motorcycle to knock a player off it.
  • Punching and leaving the scene.
  • Forcing a player to enter a roleplay they do not want.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

2.24 Sleep โ€‹

Using the /sleep command can only be done in houses provided you do not have an active roleplay.

Robbing, killing, and interacting with people who are on sleep is prohibited and sanctioned according to rule #2.13 PowerGaming (PG)


  • You are being chased by the police and you go /sleep
  • You are being chased by the mafia and you go /sleep


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

2.25 Penitentiary โ€‹

Inside the penitentiary yard, the "Law of the Jungle" applies.

You are in an area where there are only criminals, and the rules of #2.15 Random Death Match (RDM) and #2.22 Bombardier do not apply.

The rule of #2.19 Cop-Fear (CF) must be respected when members of the police department are present.

2.26 Coruption โ€‹

2.26.1 IC โ€‹

IC corruption is any method of character level corruption.


  • Any illegal action punishable by imprisonment under the Penal Code (for the police)
  • Providing information you acquire in the faction you belong to (example: information from the police when an illegal location is raided)
  • Taking bribes

Sanction: 14 Fanction Punish (you will not be able to enter another faction or gang for 14 days) + faction blacklist

2.26.2 OOC โ€‹

OOC corruption is any method of corruption done on communication channels other than those provided by the server.


  • Any act by which you offer goods acquired in government factions
  • Providing information that you acquire in the faction you belong to (example: information from the police when an illegal location is raided) through OOC communication channels (discord, whatsapp, etc.)
  • Storage of faction equipment in personal vehicles or houses

Sanctions: ban 3-7 days depending on severity without the right to pay for unban + 20 Fanction Punish (you will not be able to enter another faction or gang for 20 days) + faction blacklist

2.27 Freechat โ€‹

Freechat is the use of OOC chat in the game, sending messages that are not for the common interest, hate messages, or frustrations.

OOC chat is a way for new players who are not use to the server and to the /ticket command to ask questions and socialize with other players without disturbing others. We want to see a positive attitude, help each other or have fun on this chat. This chat is visible to all players and can be closed whenever we feel it is not being used for the purposes for which it was provided.

Sanctions: mute 10-600 minutes and can reach up to 7 days depending on the severity


3.1 Inappropriate Behavior Towards Girls โ€‹

Represents any form of inappropriate behavior, verbal harassment, or gender-based discrimination directed against girls. Players are required to respect the rights and comfort of all players, regardless of gender, and to refrain from any behavior that could create an unwanted or unpleasant environment.

This rule includes, but is not limited to:

  • The use of obscene language or sexual content allusions in conversations with girls on the server.
  • Constant or persistent harassment of female players through private messages, public chat, or other means of communication available on the server.

The server administration will investigate reports of violation of this rule and will take appropriate measures depending on the severity, starting from mute to permanent ban..

3.2 Insults/Threats OOC โ€‹

Represents the use of OOC communication channels within the community (game chat, chat/voice discord) to bring insults or threats to community members.

Sanctions are given depending on the severity, starting from mute to permanent ban.

The administrative team will not intervene in the case of insults transmitted through private communication channels.


  • First offense: Mute 60-90 minutes
  • Second offense: 75-150 checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: 300 checkpoints


  • For multiple offenses, sanctioning with a warn or a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

3.3 OOC Suffering โ€‹

Represents instigating a fight with a person or a group of people following a roleplay or returning to a previous action with the purpose of annoying them.

Examples (in-game chat/voice chat/discord):

  • What did you do, boy?
  • Here's a napkin for you!
  • Did you get hurt?
  • How many policemen are coming?
  • How weak is the police
  • Repeated insults/offenses directed at a player in a coma
  • Using animations with the aim of pissing off a player in a coma


  • First offense: mute 60-90 minutes or 150-300 checkpoints
  • Second offense: warn


  • The given sanction may be more severe, ban 1-7 days, depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

3.4 Toxicity โ€‹

Represents repeated violations of the regulation and destroying the game experience for other players. This rule is intended to ensure a positive and enjoyable gaming environment for all community members. The administration will make the necessary decisions to maintain the integrity and well-being of the community.


  • Repeated violation of the regulation to create IC advantages over other players.
  • Manifestation of frustration by instigating hatred or OOC fights based on actions carried out in the game (IC).
  • Destroying the game experience of other players who want to enjoy a smooth and pleasant experience.
  • Use of insults or OOC offenses in private chat or streaming flows after IC actions repeatedly to denigrate a person/group of people.

Sanctions: Depending on the severity of the acts and previous sanctions, a ban from 5 days to permanent can be applied.


4.1 Bug abuse โ€‹

Represents creating an advantage by using a bug/exploit and, depending on the severity, can lead from the withdrawal of obtained goods to permanent ban. Bugs are reported through /ticket to be solved and not abused.

4.2 Ban Evading โ€‹

Attempting to connect to the server by any means to avoid a temporary or permanent ban will lead to the permanent banning of the account and blocking any access path.

4.3 Hacking โ€‹

Represents the use of programs to create advantages for yourself or to disturb other players for your own amusement.

If you are suspected of hacking, you will be taken for testing; these can be refused, but you will be sanctioned with a 30-day ban at the first offense, following which the ban will become permanent at the second offense.


  • Aimbot/NoRecoil/Silent Aim - first offense permanent ban, second offense permanent ban without the right to pay
  • other cheats: 30-day ban

4.4 AFK (Away From Keyboard) โ€‹

It is allowed for a maximum of 5 minutes in a populated public area (police station, hospital, etc.) and for a maximum of 30 minutes in a secluded area if you do not have an active roleplay.

You must inform the players with whom you have a roleplay that you are requesting a break and receive their consent.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

4.5 OOC Transactions โ€‹

Business or business attempts with real goods for in-game goods or accounts are not allowed. Sanction: permanent ban without the right to pay

4.6 System Abuse โ€‹

It is forbidden to use the server's systems to create an advantage over other players.


  • Being chased by the police and going to a garage to park your car.
  • Evicting current tenants to obtain items from their storage places.
  • Using different animations to uncuff yourself.


  • First offense: 75-150 checkpoints
  • Second offense: 300 checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


  • For multiple offenses, sanctioning with a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

4.7 Advertising is Prohibited โ€‹

Any promotion of content that does not belong to the B-Zone community is prohibited!


  • First offense: 30-day ban
  • Second offense: permanent ban

4.8 Trolling โ€‹

Represents repeated violation of the regulation or drawing attention to interact with other players who do not want this, just for your own amusement.


  • 30-day ban for accounts that have more than 10 hours played on the server.
  • Permanent ban for accounts that have less than 10 hours played on the server.

4.9 Account sharing โ€‹

Sharing your account with other people is prohibited. This practice represents a risk to the account's security, inconsistencies in a character's story can appear, it can distort the game's balance and lead to conflicts between players. It is essential for each player to have their own account and not share login information with others.


  • First offense: 30-day ban
  • Second offense: permanent ban

4.10 Multiple accounts โ€‹

To ensure an authentic and fair experience for all players, only one account per server is allowed. Playing on multiple accounts is strictly prohibited.

Any violation of this rule will attract penalties, including permanent banning of the accounts involved.


5.1 Traffic Lights โ€‹

On our community, traffic lights are in flashing mode, and the rule of giving priority to the right is respected.

5.2 Speed Limits โ€‹

The speed limit in the city is 70 km/h.

The speed limit on national roads is 100 km/h.

The speed limit on the highway is 150 km/h.

5.3 Pit-Stop โ€‹

The use of the pit-stop maneuver at a speed over 150 km/h is prohibited.

The maneuver is prohibited regardless of speed for vehicle classes: SPORT/SUPER SPORT. An exception to the rule applies to police cars, as capturing a dangerous suspect takes precedence, and police cars are repaired/compensated by the state.

Also, a low car cannot perform a pitstop on a high-guard car.

Exceptions: In the case where 2 high-speed vehicles accelerate at the same time and reach up to 180 km/h at the moment of applying the pit-stop maneuver, the maneuver is considered regulatory because it is very difficult to approximate speed under conditions where cars accelerate very quickly.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

5.4 Ninja-Jack โ€‹

Represents the action by which you get into a vehicle immediately after a player has left it and immediately leave with it without checking if the keys are in the ignition.

It is not considered ninja-jack if the vehicle is unlocked and the engine is running.

In the case where a car is unlocked, you can roleplay that you tie the wires together and then start the engine.

Example: A expensive car stops next to you, you want to steal it, the doors are open, and to not get caught by the owner, you press the engine start button and leave immediately.

Exception: if the vehicle's engine is running, it is not considered ninja-jack.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

5.5 NON-RP Driving โ€‹

Represents the action by which you use a vehicle in such a manner in which you could not in reality.


  • Driving a vehicle with at least one flat tire at over 70 km/h
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road repeatedly or on the highway
  • Driving a low-guard car on rough roads


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

For each category below, a maximum speed limit will be imposed depending on the guard, respectively, the suspensions it has.

5.5.1 City โ€‹

Driving over 200km/h in the city is considered NON-RP driving.

Exception: In case your life is in danger, you can exceed the 200km/h limit in the city.

5.5.2 Off-Road โ€‹

To drive a high-guard vehicle on off-road roads (roads marked brown on the radar), you are obliged not to exceed the maximum speed of 100 km/h. You cannot drive Super and Super Sport category cars on OFF-ROAD roads.

5.5.3 Extreme Off-Road โ€‹

Driving a vehicle on road portions not marked on the map can be done respecting the following aspects:

  • The car must be equipped with OFF-ROAD tires.
  • The car must be an SUV type with a high guard.
  • The speed must not be greater than 50 km/h.

5.5.4 Motorcycles โ€‹

  • Speed motorcycles - are intended to be used only on paved roads without a speed limit outside the city.
  • Cross motorcycles - Are allowed to be used both on paved roads and on forest roads (marked brown on the radar) with a maximum speed of 100 km/h, but also on unmarked roads with a maximum speed of 70 km/h.

5.5.5 Helicopters โ€‹

It is PERMITTED to land a helicopter on:

  • specially designated areas (helipad)
  • specially designated helipads on houses
  • the perimeter of a robbery (active or about to begin), whether on the street, field, buildings, etc., with a department or mafia helicopter NOT personal

It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to land a helicopter on:

  • Cayo Island
  • undesignated areas
  • houses, regardless of the area
  • buildings in Los Santos
  • streets, parking lots

It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to use a PERSONAL helicopter in a robbery.
It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to perform TERRORIST actions with a helicopter.
It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to stay or leave an abandoned helicopter on a helipad (blocking the parking).


  • Medical and Police helicopters can be used during operations
  • You run out of fuel above CNN and land to refuel
  • You are starving/thirsty and need to land urgently to buy food or water

5.5.6 Boats โ€‹


  • intentionally drive the boat onto shores to reach land faster
  • intentionally hit parked boats or boats with other people in them
  • park boats on land
  • block entrances to ports or specially designated areas for boats

5.6 Car-Ram (CR) โ€‹

Using the vehicle with the intention of hitting another vehicle without a previous roleplay or parking it over a player is prohibited.


  • The police battering ram can be used for a Car-Ram on moving vehicles, at which point the action is considered a forced Pit-Stop, only if the hit is not frontal.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


When you are at a legal job, you are obliged to respect the following rules:

  • Continue working with the uniform assigned to that job.
  • Have appropriate behavior at work.
  • Do not rob or kidnap players while you are at work.
  • Do not use job vehicles for personal purposes.
  • Do not use job uniforms as a cover for illegal activities.
  • Do not disturb the people you interact with at work.

Sanctions :

  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


7.1 Vehicle Theft โ€‹

It is not allowed to steal a vehicle from public areas or to rob goods from it, as these areas are under surveillance.

It is permitted to steal a car from outside public areas if you adhere to the #5.4 Ninja-Jack rule.

You are allowed to steal a police/medic car only in extreme cases as a last resort, and you must abandon it as soon as possible.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

7.2 Illegalities Under 50 Hours โ€‹

If you do not have 50 hours on your account, any type of illegality is prohibited. You are not allowed to assist, indirectly by providing information or other means to aid those involved in an illegal action if you do not have over 50 hours. Everyone must meet this requirement.

Illegal actions include:

  • Robbing people/properties or participating in such an action.
  • Taking Hostage or participating in such an action.
  • Crafting, specifically, manufacturing illegal items.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

7.3 Illegalities in Public Area โ€‹

An action is considered illegal in a public area when a person or a group of people commit a crime in a densely populated area, a job/hobby zone, on a highway, or near a shop, gas station, banks, ATMs, car garages, or any other type of business, including their interiors. Public Zones are defined as green zones in rule #7.8.1 Green Zones.

Public areas are defined as places where, in reality, there would be surveillance cameras or it would be a heavily trafficked area.

Additionally, it is prohibited to carry out illegal activities near a hospital or a police station, or penitentiary.


  • Drawing a white weapon / a firearm in public areas
  • Opening fire in public areas
  • Killing a player in public areas
  • Throwing a citizen in a coma into a public area


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


  • if an action starts from a Notorious area and continues in a public location (job/hobby area or in the vicinity of a shop, gas station, bank, ATMs, car garages or any other type of business) the illegality in public area rule does not apply if there is a good reason. Example: on a drug delivery you are followed by police crews. You are allowed to fire your gun even in public areas that are on red or yellow zones
  • item crafting areas are not considered public areas, even if they are marked on the map. The regulations of the areas in which they are located apply to them. See rule 7.8 Zoning

7.4 Hostage โ€‹

Taking hostages can only be done if your life or freedom is under threat, with the goal of escaping these pressures, and money cannot be demanded.

Taking a person or a group of people under your threat or your group's threat with the aim of gaining an advantage in a roleplay is allowed, but for no more than 2 hours from the start of taking the hostage(s).

If the player(s) can no longer stay, you are allowed to postpone, and the hostages are obliged to return at the date and time mutually agreed upon.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

7.5 Kidnapping โ€‹

Is permitted, adhering to the following requirements:

  • Use a lethal weapon to threaten.
  • The area from which they are kidnapped must be secluded.
  • Use a vehicle in which the kidnapped person is placed and have at least 2 people from the group organizing the kidnapping present. Inviting people from public areas cannot be done forcibly or under threat.
  • Between the hours of 20:00 - 08:00
  • The kidnapped person should not be at a legal job or on the route from the job.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

7.6 Terrorist Actions โ€‹

Represent actions through which multiple people will die as a result of the roleplay you want to perform. These actions are allowed with the approval of a senior staff member based on a complex roleplay.


  • Entering governmental lands armed.
  • Using firearms of any caliber in public locations.
  • Using explosives that endanger people's lives and damage public spaces - without a justified reason (Robberies).
  • Intentionally setting a vehicle on fire near citizens.


  • First offense: 1-3 day ban depending on the severity
  • Second offense: 3-5 day ban depending on the severity
  • Three or more offenses: 7-14 day ban depending on the severity

7.8 Alliance Between Mafias/Groups โ€‹

An alliance can be made between a maximum of 2 groups recognized by the syndicate(unofficial and official). If a group has not been recognized by the syndicate, they cannot form an alliance with recognized groups. In red zones, more than 2 mafias/groups can ally only if the police intervene in these areas.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


  • For multiple rule violations, sanctioning with a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

7.8 Zones delimitations โ€‹

Appendix 7.8 Zones delimitation in the City


Green zones and roads are public areas, frequented by many people and usually monitored by surveillance cameras. In those areas committing illegal activities is not allowed. The regulation of #7.3 Illegalities in Public Areas applies here.

7.8.2 RED ZONES โ€‹

Red Zones are notorious areas and dangerous parts of the city or outside the city where many illegal activities can happen, but not near businesses (examples: gas stations, barbershops, stores, workplaces, parking lots, clubs - marked on the map).

The following are allowed between 8:00 PM - 8:00 AM:

  • Robbing people, vehicles, plants or any kind of stealing/robbing

The following are allowed between 00:00 AM - 24:00 PM:

  • Taking hostages or kidnapping citizens based on a previous roleplay or a very good reasoning
  • Opening fire based on a previous roleplay or a very good reasoning (Example: You control the Grove area and a rival mafia enters your territory, you have the right to open fire on them)


Yellow zones and roads are semi-public or semi-notorious areas that mark the transition between a public area and a dangerous one. In these areas, illegal activities are committed at your own risk. It is allowed to kidnap or use weapons for kidnappings, but robberies are prohibited. To kill someone in these areas, you must have a solid reason. These roads are usually frequently traveled, so there is a risk of being seen committing illegal activities, which we want to avoid. Yellow zones are near notorious areas, so it is recommended to kidnap from the yellow zone and move to the notorious areas to continue the roleplay (RP).

The following are allowed between 8:00 PM - 8:00 AM:

  • Taking hostages or kidnapping citizens based on a previous roleplay or a very good reasoning
  • Opening fire based on previous roleplay or a very well-founded reason. BEING STOPPED AT A TRAFIC STOP IS NOT A GOOD ENOUGH REASON TO OPEN FIRE ON THE COP

Between 8:01 AM - 7:59 PM:


These are unpopulated areas or roads where illegal activities are permitted. Pretty much, these are roads that have not been marked on the map above with any color, alleys between buildings, roads through the mountains, or on the edge of the map.

In cities

The following are allowed in the cities between 8:00 PM - 8:00 AM:

  • Robbing people or vehicles
  • Taking hostages or kidnapping citizens based on a previous roleplay or a very good reasoning
  • Opening fire based on previous roleplay or a very well-founded reason.

In the cities between 8:01 AM - 7:59 PM:

Outside the cities

The following are allowed in the cities between 8:00 PM - 8:00 AM:

  • Robbing people or vehicles

The following are allowed outside the city areas between 00:00 - 24:00:

  • Taking hostages or kidnapping citizens based on a previous roleplay or a very good reasoning
  • Opening fire based on previous roleplay or a very well-founded reason (Example: You are being pursued by the police and want to set up an ambush, these secluded roads can be used for such actions.)

Notes and Exceptions:

  • There is no abuse of the green zone. Once an action starts in a red area, gray, or red roads, you have the right to continue it in the green or yellow zone. It should be noted that in green zones, the only illegal action allowed is kidnapping outside government institutions (City Hall, Police Station, Hospital, etc.). In this case, kidnapping in the green zones is not allowed to last more than 5 minutes; otherwise, the rule of #7.6 Terrorist Actions will apply. Kidnapping from the green zone can only take place if no more than 10 minutes have passed since the last interaction between the parties involved, which started in a notorious area.

Allowed example: A conflict between several people started in the Grove area. One of the people manages to escape into the green area, being pursued. The escaped person can be kidnapped from the green zone quickly (the kidnapping action can last a maximum of 5 minutes).

Illegal example: On a plantation, a conflict started between several people. One of the people leaves and is identified a few hours later in a green area. You are unable to kidnap from green zone because more than 10 minutes have passed in which green zone kidnapping is allowed.

  • Between the green zones, there are certain secluded areas (e.g., the Rockford area - between blocks, behind buildings). If you manage to lure another player there, you can kidnap, rob, or kill them. Essentially, the Gray Zone rule applies.

  • On yellow streets in notorious areas, it is forbidden to rob in that exact perimeter. Robbing should be moved to a notorious area, not the semi-public street. On the yellow roads in the infamous areas, the following are allowed regardless of the time: taking a hostage and opening fire based on a previous roleplay and a very well-founded reason (no traffic-stop).

  • The rule of illegality in a public area (for businesses: gas stations, garages, salons, ATMs and others) applies regardless of whether it is a red, yellow or gray area. You still can't rob someone at the gas station even if it's in the Grove. The only exception is when the action started from the notorious area and you have a good reason. If you are followed by the police while delivering drugs it is considered a good reason and you are allowed to open fire, even in public areas within red or yellow zones.


  • An action starts in the notorious Labirint area and extends towards Mirror or the highway. This will not be considered an illegal activity in the public area, as the action started in a notorious area and moved to a public area.

  • In general, you must be careful in the areas where you commit illegal activities, ensuring they are not frequented by people or vehicles, do not have surveillance cameras, and are not near a police station. Practically, illegal activities are permitted in secluded and hidden areas. Attention, you are not allowed to kidnap from the green zone and take between buildings for robbery or murder; try to lure people into these areas.

Violation of the above time intervals and the failure of following the rules will be sanctioned with:

  • first offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • three or more offenses: warning

7.9 Player Robberies โ€‹

The time interval in which you can rob a player is 20:00 - 08:00.

To be able to rob, you need at least one white weapon / a firearm on you.

Robbing players can only be done in #7.8 Notorious Areas and Gray areas / pink roads, adhering to the conditions of these rules.

You can only rob a person of the money and items they have on them and the items in the vehicle they were driving at the moment they were robbed.

It is prohibited:

  • to rob a player if you do not have at least 50 hours played on the server. This rule applies to all persons who rob or provide support/information for the robbery. See rule #7.2 Illegalities Under 50 Hours
  • to rob people in public places. See rule #7.3 Illegalities in Public Area
  • to rob a medic or a policeman who is on duty or people who are at legal workplaces if they are in uniform.
  • to rob a player who is working at a legal job. See #6.1 Legal Jobs
  • to rob the same player in a smaller window than 2 hours (People who have been robbed are not allowed to abuse this rule and must continue to role-play the fear of being robbed)


  • First offense: 75-150 checkpoints
  • Second offense: 300 checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


  • For multiple rule violations, sanctioning with a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

7.9.1 Rob & Kill โ€‹

Rob & Kill represents the action of robbing and subsequently killing a person. It is prohibited to kill a person after you have robbed them.
Kill & Rob represents the action of killing and subsequently robbing a person. It is prohibited to rob a person after killing them.


  • You kidnap a person, take them to a secluded place, kill them and rob them.
  • You rob a person and call someone else to kill them having a pre-established plan.

Rule exceptions:

  • You are allowed to kill a person only when you leave the place where you robbed them, and they follow you alone or meet with other people to take you down/recover the stolen items.
  • People who are talkative, do not show fear, and do not comply with the robber can be killed. Likewise, people who use a phone or radio while being threatened with a weapon can be killed.
  • The robbed person, if they encounter the robber, can rob them of everything in the inventory and subsequently kill only the initial robber, without having 50 hours played
  • When you receive an IC scam with illegal items

All these exceptions can be made adhering to the rule #7.3 Illegalities in Public Area


  • First offense: 75-150 checkpoints
  • Second offense: 300 checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: warn


  • For multiple rule violations, sanctioning with a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

7.9.3 Drop & Kill โ€‹

Represents the action of making someone drop all the items from their inventory and then killing them.

Example: You decide to stop someone and intimidate them into dropping everything they have in their inventory. Then, you think to kill them, this action is prohibited.


  • First offense: 75-150 checkpoints
  • Second offense: 300 checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn


  • For multiple rule violations, sanctioning with a 1-3 day ban is possible.
  • The given sanction may be more severe depending on the seriousness of the situation and does not adhere to the number of offenses.

7.10 Robbery Regulations โ€‹

7.10.1 Stores โ€‹

Robbing stores can be done with at least one firearm, at any time, in a group of at least 2, maximum 8 people only if all the participants in the robbery have at least 50 hours.

After the alarm is triggered, the store's vicinity becomes a red zone until the action is concluded and the police leave. Civilians present during the robbery cannot be robbed or killed, but must be forced to leave the area. Civilians who do not comply with the directives to leave the store can be killed.

If a robbery starts with fewer than 8 participants, other people can join up to the maximum number (8). For example: the robbery starts in 2 people, a maximum of 8 more people can be called for reinforcements.

A person who has accepted death cannot be replaced by another colleague in the robbery.

During the robbery, you cannot have a hostage because the focus is exclusively on robbing a store.

The store doors cannot be blocked with vehicles, both by robbers and policemen. This action can lead to sanctioning according to the rule of #2.13 PowerGaming (PG).

7.10.2 Banks โ€‹

Bank robberies can be done at any time, in a group of minimum 6, maximum 15 people only if all the participants in the robbery have at least 50 hours. Each member participating in the robbery must have a firearm. Group alliances are allowed, but without exceeding the limit of 15 people.

After the alarm is triggered, the store's vicinity becomes a red zone until the action is concluded and the police leave. Civilians present during the robbery cannot be robbed or killed, but must be forced to leave the area. Civilians who do not comply with the directives to leave the store can be killed.

If a robbery starts with fewer than 15 participants, other people can join up to the maximum number (15). For example: the robbery starts in 6 people, a maximum of 9 more people can be called for reinforcements.

A person who has accepted death cannot be replaced by another colleague in the robbery.

During the robbery, you cannot have a hostage because the focus is exclusively on robbing a bank. We want to avoid ticket situations in which the same person could be taken hostage several times or tickets for non-compliance with the negotiated conditions.

Another group of people cannot step in to kill the robbers or take the control of the robbery.

The player who starts the robbery needs a minimum of 500 playing hours.

After the robbery is over and the area is neutralized, the police will need to shut down the bank's security systems.

The store doors cannot be blocked with vehicles, both by robbers and policemen. It is not allowed to break the wheels of parked cars. These actions can lead to sanctioning according to the rule of #2.13 PowerGaming (PG).


  • First offense: 50-100 checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

7.11 Illegalities in Houses and Around Houses โ€‹

The following are permitted between 20:00 - 08:00:

  • Taking a kidnapped citizen to a house
  • Robbing a citizen in a house

The following are prohibited:

  • Forcing a player to take out items from personal safes
  • Locking the door when being chased by other people/police
  • Illegal actions near houses that are not in #7.8 Notorious Areas
  • It is strictly forbidden to wait outside a player's house with the intention of robbing or killing them as they exit.
    Example: I saw you in Grove and watched you enter your house. I did not interact with you until then and waited outside to rob you when you came out. If you interact with them and try to rob them, and they run into their house and lock the door, you are not allowed to camp outside. At that moment, they have violated the rule of locking a door during a chase. If you know that someone lives in a house in a notorious area, you have the right to wait on the nearby streets or other relatively close areas to try and rob them, but not immediately outside their house.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

7.12 Hijacking a Transport โ€‹

Hijacking a prisoner transport on the highway is allowed if the leader or at least 2 members of your group are in these transports. An alliance between 2 groups/mafias to hijack a transport is allowed.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: Warn

7.13 Limite membri la ilegalitati โ€‹

Gang - A group of maximum 10 people not recognized by the syndicate.

Grupare neoficialฤƒ - A group of maximum 15 people recognized by the syndicate.

Grupare oficialฤƒ - A group of maximum 21 people not recognized by the syndicate that has been in business with the syndicate for a longer period of time.

Sanctions: For all members that do not obey this rule. Depending on the severity and multiple rule violations, the sanction can range from 100 checkpoints to 7 day ban.


Any type of group can have more members for legal activities. These limits only apply to illegal activities.

CAP 8. Tickets โ€‹

A ticket represents a form of contacting the server's staff to solve a problem or to report a violation of the regulations.

We want to convey that the staff members will come to solve your problem calmly, and we ask you to forget all IC problems and to behave appropriately.

Tickets in which information is not provided can be rejected. Descriptions help us understand the nature of the problem, and the ticket can be taken over by the appropriate person.

For presenting in-game evidence, the date and time, as well as the IDs of the people who broke the rule, are required to be displayed.

8.1 Ticket in RolePlay โ€‹

Can only be opened if the violated rule is serious enough that it no longer allows the continuation of the RolePlay action. If the action can continue, you can open a ticket after the end of the roleplay.


  • The person or group of people do not respect the DRIVING RP rule, and you cannot follow them because you would violate the same rule
  • You are threatened with a weapon in a public area
  • Disconnect in roleplay


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: warn

8.2 Inappropriate Behavior at Ticket โ€‹

By inappropriate behavior, we categorize any situation where you mock the administrative team or the people involved in the ticket. When participating in a ticket, you must forget all the problems you have IC and behave respectfully.


  • For insults directed at a player, sanctions range from warn to a 1-day ban.
  • For insults directed at a staff member, sanctions range from a 1-3 day ban.
  • These sanctions are given in addition to the sanction offered at the ticket.

8.3 Lies at Ticket โ€‹

Lies are not allowed in tickets. The staff wants to help you solve your problems, and we do not accept wasting time that could be used to help other people.


  • Not acknowledging that you were involved in an action with clear evidence presented.
  • Attempting to falsify evidence.
  • Lost items that were actually stored elsewhere.


  • First offense: 50-100 Checkpoints
  • Second offense: 200 Checkpoints
  • Three or more offenses: warn

8.4 Tickets on Discord โ€‹

Tickets can be opened in the support area on our discord server ( for the following issues:

  • Staff complaints
  • Unban requests
  • Other problems