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Criminal Code (English) ​

CAP. 1 Road Legislation ​

1.1 Speed limits ​

Any citizen that drives a (motor)vehicle must drive with a maximum speed limit of 150 km/h on a highway, 100 km/h on a national road (single carriageway), and 70 km/h in the city.

Speed limit violations will be sanctioned as:

  • beneath the double of the speed limit: 3.000$ and 3 penalty points
  • over the double of the speed limit: 7.000$, revoking of the driving license and 30 months in jail

1.2 Imprudent driving ​

It is considered imprudent driving when the citizen drives in an aggressive manner, fails to pay attention in traffic, is speeding or is a danger to his or other people's lives

Imprudent drivers can receive a fine of 2.500$ and 3 penalty points.

1.3 Non-compliance to road markings ​

Any vehicle driver that does not comply with road markings (STOP, double solid lines, etc) will be sanctioned with 2.500$ and 3 penalty points.

1.4 Failure to give right of way ​

Any driver that does not give way to pedestrians or other traffic participants when necessary, will be sanctioned with the revoking of the driving license, a fine of 3.500$ and 3 penalty points.

1.5 Disobeying the Policeman's signals ​

Any driver that does not obey the traffic signals given by a policeman will be sanctioned with the revoking of the driving license and a fine of 5.000$.

1.6 Failure to give way to emergency vehicles ​

Every driver must stop on the right side of the road if there is sufficient space when they see or hear a Police car or Ambulance with the emergency lights on. After they've passed, you can start moving again.

Failure to do so is a misdemeanor and will be sanctioned with a fine of 8.000$ and revoking the driving license.

1.7 Illegal parking ​

It is forbidden to park on the curbside! You can park next to the curbside if it is not painted in red! Red curbside indicates that the parking is not allowed. Illegal parking is a misdemeanor and will be sanctioned with a fine of 2.500$ and towing the parked vehicle.

Illegal parking

Lawful parking

1.8 Jaywalking ​

Any citizen that is caught crossing a road in a location where there are no signs to allow this, putting his or someone else’s life in danger, will be sanctioned with a fine of 1.000$.

1.9 Covering the face behind the wheel ​

Any driver that wears a mask/bandana or any other object that can cover his face, reduce his visibility and put his life or other traffic participants' lives in danger will be sanctioned with a fine of 5.000$.

1.10 Using a phone while driving ​

It is unlawful to use a phone while driving.

Anyone who is caught on his phone while driving will be sanctioned with a fine of 1.500$.

1.11 Excessive honking ​

The audible warning equipment must be used at a distance of a minimum of 25 m from the person that it is addressed to, on short bursts that assure that the message would be received, without inducing a state of panic that could lead to them getting in danger or becoming a danger to other traffic participants.

Disobeying this law is a misdemeanor and it is sanctioned with a fine of 1.500$.

1.12 Tinted windows ​

Anyone that has a car with tinted windows installed that prevent the policeman from seeing and recognizing the driver or passengers will be sanctioned with a fine of 3.000$ and with revoking the ITP certification of the vehicle.

In the situation that the ITP of the vehicle is already expired, then the law #1.16 Expired ITP will apply.

A car with full tinted windows

1.13 Underglow lights ​

It is forbidden to install underglow lights on your vehicle, this is a misdemeanor and will be sanctioned with a fine of 3.500$ and with revoking the ITP certification.

In the situation that the ITP of the vehicle is already expired, then the law #1.16 Expired ITP will apply.

1.14 Unapproved horn ​

Any driver that installs a different horn than the stock one on the car will be sanctioned with a fine of 2.000$ and with revoking the ITP certification.

In the situation that the ITP of the vehicle is already expired, then the law #1.16 Expired ITP will apply.

1.15 Xenons ​

Anyone who installs xenons or any other lighting installations on their car besides the ones provided by the dealership will be sanctioned with a fine of 3.500$ and with and revoking the ITP certification.

In the situation that the ITP of the vehicle is already expired, then the law #1.16 Expired ITP will apply.

1.16 Expired ITP ​

Driving on public roads with a vehicle that has an expired ITP certificate that can attest that the vehicle is roadworthy and safe to driver is considered a felony and the act will be sanctioned with revoking the driving license, a fine of 10.000$ and with towing the vehicle.

CAP. 2 Traffic Felonies ​

2.1 Fleeing from an officer in a vehicle ​

The act of trying to escape from an officer with a vehicle is considered a felony and can be punished with revoking the driving license, a fine of 7.000$ and the detention of the suspect for 50-80 months.

2.2 Driving without a license ​

The act of driving a motor vehicle without having a valid driving license is considered a felony and will be punished with the detention of the suspect for 30-50 months and a fine of 6.000$.

2.3 Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol ​

Anyone who is caught driving under the influence of alcohol, with a percentage of alcohol of 0.8% or more in blood, or under the influence of any type of narcotic, and represents a danger for himself or other traffic participants will be punished with the revoking of the driving license, a fine of 6.000$ and will be arrested for 30-50 months.

For an alcohol concentration of 0,1% Θ™i 0,7%, a sanction of a fine in total of 5.000$ and revoking of the driving license.

2.4 Illegal races ​

The act of racing anyone on public streets without getting prior permission from the police and endangering other civilians in the process is considered a felony and will be punished with the revoking of the driving license, the detention of the suspect for 40-60 months and with a fine of 15.000$.

2.5 Leaving the scene of an accident ​

The act of running from the scene of an accident or of a crime, without going to the police or calling them, is a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 30-50 months and a fine of 5.500$.

2.6 Driving without license plates ​

Any citizen driving a vehicle/motorcyle without having valid license plates is considered to be committing a felony and will be punished with 30-50 months of arrest, a fine of 10.000$ and the revoking of the driving license.

2.7 Refusal of biological samples ​

Any citizen that refuses the sampling of biological matter can be sanctioned with detention of the suspect for 50-60 months, a fine of 15.000$ and the revoking of the driving license.

CAP. 3 Offenses against good morals, properties and public peace ​

3.1 Covering the face ​

Anyone who covers their face with any type of object (mask, bandana, scarf, etc) in public areas can be sanctioned with a fine of 3.000$ and will be subjected to a mandatory frisk because it is considered that this person can be dangerous and cand endanger other citizens.

3.2 Stalking ​

The act of following, wilfully, or harassing another person in circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to fear injury or death for themselves or their family is a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 30-50 months and with a fine of 7.000$.

3.3 Following an emergency vehicle without permission ​

The act of following, wilfully, or harassing an emergency vehicle (police car, ambulance) in circumstances that would cause them to fear injury or death can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 30-50 months and a fine of 12.000$.

3.4 Indecent exposure ​

The act of exposing your genital area, wilfully, in public or in any public space where there are other citizens, is a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 20-40 months and with a fine of 6.000$.

3.5 Prostitution ​

The act of practicing of sexual relations with multiple different persons, to receive money to pay for daily needs, is a felony that can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 25-50 months and with a fine of 10.000$.

The customers of these people will be accused of the same felony, for encouraging prostitution.

3.6 Rape ​

The act of having a sexual act, of any nature, with another male or female, by forcing them, or by taking advantage of them when they cannot consent, is a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 50-100 months and a fine of 25.000$.

3.7 Trespassing ​

Trespassing, in any mode or situation, or the refusal to leave the area when asked by the landlord, is a felony that can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 25-50 months and with a fine of 7.000$.

3.8 Failure to leave a state owned building ​

Any citizen that refuses to leave a state-owned building (Police Station / Hospital / Prison etc) when asked by a police officer, is committing a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 15-30 months and with a fine of 8.000$.

3.9 Vandalism ​

Anyone that breaks or damages a property that they do not own, is committing a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 30-50 months and a fine of 15.000$.

3.10 Blackmailing ​

Blackmailing is a way of influencing a person to do activities or give services by using their fears or other ways, and it is considered a felony that can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 35-55 months and with a fine of 6.000$.

3.11 Theft ​

The act of taking an asset of a citizen, without their consent, to wrongfully appropriate it to themselves, is a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 50-70 months and a fine of 15.000$.

3.11.1 Grand Theft Auto ​

The act of stealing a vehicle (car, motorbike, boat, etc), indifferently of price, is a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 30-50 months and a fine of 7.000$.

This accusation can apply even for the breaking into a vehicle, without the intention of stealing it.

3.11.2 Grand Theft Auto of a Police vehicle/Ambulance ​

The act of stealing a vehicle that is owned by the Police or by the Hospital is a felony that can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 50-70 months and with the fine of 10.000$.

This accusation can apply even for the breaking into a vehicle, without the intention of stealing it.

3.12 Robbery ​

The act of stealing assets that are in the possession of other citizens, while they are or are not present, done through applying force or fear, is a felony, and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 100-150 months and with a fine of 30.000$.

3.12.1 Armed Robbery ​

Obtaining a good or asset from a person by using force and creating fear with the help of a weapon of any type is a felony that can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 100-150 months and with a fine of 35.000$.

3.13 Disturbing the public peace ​

When a citizen turns up the volume of an electronic device to the maximum, disturbs others, speaks with a loud voice, uses obscene signs in public or when instigates a fight, they are committing a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 10-20 months and a fine of 5.000$.

3.14 Failure to leave the area ​

When one or more citizens refuse or fail to leave a place when told so by a police officer, they are committing a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 15-30 months and with a fine of 5.000$.

3.15 Inciting to riot ​

When one or more citizens try to start a riot to break public goods or to injure one or more people that they surround, they are committing a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 25-50 months and with a fine of 20.000$.

3.16 Defamation ​

Defamation happens when an affirmation is made in public, by any means, about a specific citizen, affirmation which if would be true, would lead to the citizen to be prosecuted by law, by their administration or would slander their fame. This is a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 15-30 months and with a fine of 7.000$.

3.17 Dumpster diving public spaces ​

Any action that implies searching in trash in public spaces by a citizen is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, trying to inspect the bins, search into the dumpsters or the bins or in any other areas that are used to deposit garbage. This is a felony and can be punished with a fine of 2.000$.

CAP. 4 Felonies against the justice ​

4.1 Obstructing an officer ​

Any citizen that prevents an officer from doing his job correctly or endangers the officers safety or the safety of any civilian involved is committing a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 25-50 months and with a fine of 7.000$.

Do not use this charge at the same time with Resisting arrest.

4.2 Assault an officer ​

The assault of an officer can be considered an insult, humiliation, slander, defamation, vandalism, a threat or any other acts of verbal or physic violence against a police officer. This is a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 35-55 months and with a fine of 8.000$.

4.3 Escaping from custody ​

Any citizen that was detained by a police officer and escapes from their custody will be subjected to a mandatory frisk or will have a new warrant created. In the new warrant, the new charge will be punished with the detention of the suspect for 80-120 months and with a fine of 10.000$.

4.4 Resisting arrest ​

Any citizen that resists when they are arrested or detained by an officer is committing a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 40-60 months and with a fine of 7.500$

This replaces #2.1 Fleeing from an officer in a vehicle and needs to be used when a suspect runs away from a officer to not be arrested.

4.5 Failure to identify ​

Any citizen that fails or refuses to identify to an officer with a valid ID with their name is committing a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 15-30 months and with a fine of 15.000$.

4.6 Taking/Giving bribe ​

Any citizen that offers personal goods, assets or money with the purpose of changing a guvernamental employee decision or to influence said employee on their actions is committing a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 30-50 months and with a fine of 15.000$.

4.7 Employment Code ​

Working or giving services without a license or a certificate in the employment that requires them to do the job represents a form of deception of the state it is a felony. When a citizen is caught without these documents, that means that they are breaking the Emplyment Code and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 30-50 luni and with a fine of 15.000$.

At this time, the next licenses can be given by the City Hall:

  • Fishing license
  • Mining license
  • Certificate for Oversized Transports
  • Taxi license

4.8 Deterring a witness or a vitctim ​

Any citizen that knowingly tries to deter or stop any witness or victim from giving testimony, by bribing, threatening or using any other tactics, is committing a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 35-55 months and with a fine of 10.000$.

4.9 Foul language ​

Any citizen who uses vulgar words with the purpose of insulting, humiliating or intimidating is committing a felony and can be punished with a fine of 5.500$.

4.10 Abusing the emergency line ​

Any citizen who calls the emergency line in an abusive manner, without having a real emergency or needing help, is committing a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 30-50 months and with a fine of a 10.000$.

CAP. 5 Felonies agains citizens ​

5.1 Criminal threats ​

Intentionally threatening to commit a crime that could result in someone's death or injury, whether it be through writing, verbal, or any other form of communication, is considered a criminal threat.

This is a serious offense, categorized as a felony, and is punishable with the detention of the suspect for 20-40 months and with a fine of 8.500$.

5.2 Attempted murder ​

Attempting to commit a crime or inflict severe injury is a felony punishable by a 10.000$ fine and with the detention of the suspect for 40-60 months.

5.3 Grievous bodily harm ​

Any individual who harms another with a lethal weapon or causes severe bodily injury is committing a felony and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 40-60 months and with a fine of 11.000$.

5.4 Assault with a lethal weapon ​

The act of assaulting a citizen while possessing a dangerous object or weapon that can cause harm is a criminal offense and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 50-70 months and with a fine of 13.000$.

5.5 Involuntary manslaughter ​

When one person unintentionally causes another person's death, whether through fighting or not, it is considered involuntary manslaughter, which is a criminal offense and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 25-50 months and a fine of 10.000$.

5.6 Manslaughter ​

Manslaughter is the crime of killing another human intentionally, which can result in the detention of the suspect for 60-80 months and a fine of 14.000$.

5.7 Abduction ​

Committing the act of abducting, kidnapping, detaining, or arresting someone without their consent is a crime that can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 60-100 months and with a fine of 11.000$.

5.8 Torture ​

It is considered a crime to intentionally cause extreme pain and suffering to another person for revenge, blackmail, or any other sadistic reason. This type of behavior can result in severe bodily injury and will lead to the detention of the suspect for 70-100 months and a fine of 20.000$.

The charge for #5.8 Torture will not be combined with #5.2 Attempted murder. However, it will cumulate with #5.6 Manslaughter if the victim dies.

5.9 Organized crime ​

Definition: A group of three or more individuals who work together to commit one or more criminal acts, over an extended period of time, in a coordinated manner.

Engaging in the creation or leadership of an organized crime group, being a member, or assisting such a group in any manner, is a severe criminal offense. The punishment for such an act can include a prison sentence ranging from 150 months to life imprisonment, as well as a fine ranging from 50.000$ to 300.000$.

If a person collaborates with a group to commit a crime but later assists the department in apprehending one or more members of the group, their punishment will be reduced by half.

This charge will not be combined with any other charges in the criminal code.

5.10 Defrauding creditors ​

Definition: A creditor is an individual, company, or entity that lends money or sells goods for interest.

Concealing, damaging, or getting rid of a creditor's asset, or providing false documents to take a loan that you cannot repay, with the intention of deceiving the creditors, is considered a serious crime. The offender can be punished with a prison sentence ranging from 100 to 500 months and a fine between 15.000$ and 150.000$.

If someone is convicted of defrauding a creditor, they are required to return any items, money, or assets that they took from the creditor. If the offender no longer has the items, they will be required to return the value of those items in the form of money.

CAP. 6 Control over lethal weapons ​

6.1 Possession of a Bladed weapon ​

It is illegal for a citizen to carry a knife, bat, or any other weapon that is designed to cause harm, without permission. This applies in situations where their possession could endanger the lives of others or disturb public peace.

This act is a crime and punishable by the detention of the suspect for 25-50 months and with a fine of 6.500$.

6.2 Possessing a handgun without a firearm license ​

It is illegal to possess a non-automatic handgun without a firearm license issued by the police department. The possession of a handgun can be attributed to an individual even if it is discovered in their residence, vehicle, or on their land.

This is a criminal offense and can be punished with the detention of the suspect for 50-70 months and with a fine of 10.000$.

6.3 Possessing an automatic firearm ​

It is illegal to possess automatic firearms such as AK-47s, shotguns, rifles, TECs, SMGs and other derivatives, as well as ammunition for these weapons.

This is a criminal offense punishable by 60-80 months of detention and a 12.000$ fine. If the offender possesses a handgun, this charge does not combine with #6.2 Possessing a handgun without a firearm license.

6.4 Possession of explosives ​

It is illegal to possess any explosives or flammable objects that could result in death or serious injury to a citizen. This act is a criminal offense and it is punishable by imprisonment of 90-120 months and a fine of 20.000$.

6.5 Pointing a weapon at an object ​

It is illegal to aim a firearm at any object, whether or not the intention is to shoot.

This action constitutes a felony and may result in the detention of the suspect for 30-50 months.

This charge can be cumulated with #6.2 Possessing a handgun without a firearm license or with #6.3 Possessing an automatic firearm

6.6 Deadly discharge of a firearm ​

It is illegal for a citizen to discharge a firearm resulting in someone's death, whether by mistake or without a valid explanation.

This is a criminal offense and can result in the suspect being detained for 30-50 months.

This charge can be cumulated with #6.2 Possessing a handgun without a firearm license or with #6.3 Possessing an automatic firearm

6.7 The illicit trade of arms or ammunition ​

It is against the law for any citizen to own more than one firearm or to possess over 200 rounds of ammunition without a valid selling permit.

This is a criminal offense and will lead to the imprisonment of the suspect for 120-150 months and a fine of 35.000$

At the same time, any objects that can be used to create weapons or ammunition will be confiscated.

This charge cannot be cumulated with #6.2 Possessing a handgun without a firearm license or #6.3 Possessing an automatic firearm or #6.5 Pointing a weapon at an object or #6.6 Deadly discharge of a firearm

CAP. 7 Offences on public health and safety ​

7.1 Production or possession of Cigarettes and Cigars with the purpose of illicit trade ​

It is illegal to produce, transport, manufacture, or possess illicit cigarettes, cigars, or packs of cigarettes or cigars.

This act is a criminal offense, and the punishment may include imprisonment and fines, depending on the number of cigarettes or cigars discovered as:

  • TYPE I ( 1 - 100 cigarettes/cigars): imprisonment for 40 - 60 months and a 15.000$ fine.
  • TYPE II (100 + cigarettes/cigars): imprisonment for 60 - 100 months and a 25.000$ fine.

When caught producing or possessing illegal items, the necessary objects (seeds/rolling paper/leaves) will be confiscated without the charges or fines.

7.2 Producing or possessing drugs that pose a high risk ​

It is illegal to produce, transport, manufacture, or possess illegal narcotics.

Committing this act is considered a criminal offense and may result in imprisonment as a punishment.

The amount of fines to be imposed is determined by the quantity that is discovered.:

  • TYPE I (1 - 100 spliff/joint/blunt): imprisonment for 50 - 70 months and a 20.000$ fine.
  • TYPE II (100+ spliff/joint/blunt): imprisonment for 80 - 120 months and a 30.000$ fine.

If caught producing or possessing this illegal item, all related objects (seeds, leaves, rolling papers) will be confiscated.

7.3 Blood Money ​

It is illegal to possess money acquired through illegal means, including blood money.

This is a criminal offense that can result in imprisonment and fines based on the amount of blood money found:

  • TYPE I (less than 1000 bundles of blood money): imprisonment for 80 - 100 months and a 30.000$ fine.
  • TYPE II (more than 1000 bundles of blood money): imprisonment for 100 - 120 months and a 40.000$ fine.

7.4 Practicing medicine without a license ​

It is illegal for anyone to practice medicine without a proper license from a government institution, regardless of their intention to help an individual.

This statement only pertains to those attempting to administer injections or perform medical procedures.

This is a criminal offense that can result in imprisonment for 60-100 months and a fine of 20.000$.